Web Site Traffic
What you can do to help promote your website and get the search engine placement you desire:
Ashworth Consulting, Inc has optimized your website for the web. Now it is time to get visitors to your site. Websites have much tougher competition than ever before. This is where you come in. There are a variety of ways to bring your site up in the search engines:
- Make sure the content of your site is relevant to the type of visitors you want to view your site
- Ex: if you want local traffic, make sure to use the names of local towns in the content of your site
- Make sure to use product names and services throughout the content of your site
- The more sites you link your site to, the more recognized your site is to search engines. Link your site to as many relevant sites as possible. Also utilize your chamber of commerce, business bureaus, etc. Any relevant site that will provide a link to your site the better.
- If top search engine placement is important to you, you may need to pay for services such as Google- AdWords, Yahoo, MSN, etc. DO NOT TRUST companies that say they can guarantee top placement in multiple search engines. The only companies that can guarantee top placement are the search engines themselves.
- Ashworth Consulting, Inc Hosting offers services such as SmarterStats. This helps you identify traffic flows, pages that are working and not working, content being used in the search engines, individual pages visited, length of time during each visit and many other helpful tools to make your website successful.

Ashworth Consulting, Inc. is now offering SmarterStats as an additional service to our hosting customers.
Get a detailed look at the traffic on your website; analyze what pages are drawing traffic and what pages are just idle. Base your changes and upgrades on actual facts rather than guessing at what is and isn’t working.
Sign up now and SmarterStats is free for one month; after that it only cost you $5.00 a month to stay on top of your web presence.
Two ways to sign up:
We will send your username and password so you can start using SmarterStats immediately.
SmarterStats is the perfect solution for providing intuitive web site statistics!
- Welcome Page - Shows you the Most Requested Data
Once you log in to SmarterStats you are greeted with the most commonly requested report items: Visits, Views, Bandwidth, Top Pages, Top Referrers, and Search Engine data.
- Intuitive Reporting - Pinpoint exactly the information you need quickly with an effectively organized reporting system. Group report items into custom reports for quick at-a-glance information (Enterprise Edition Only), and add favorites to your most common queries.
- Geographic Reporting - Graphically view your visitors and their countries of origin. Many other statistics programs charge extra for this feature. With SmarterStats, it's all part of the package!
- Data Mining - Drill into your statistics quickly and easily to discover visitor tendencies. Quick links next to each report item result allow you to data mine effortlessly!
- Get Information Fast - Unlike other stats products that re-import log files every time you run a report, SmarterStats cleverly organizes the information into a proprietary format that allows reports to be generated very quickly without the need to re-import log files. Get your report in seconds, rather than hours or days!
- Always Current - SmarterStats is constantly watching for new log information with a low-impact background process, thereby keeping your statistics as up-to-date as possible.