2016 Christmas Wish List - Sierra & Adam

Sierra's List
Merry Christmas Film for Instax Mini - As much film as possible.
White Film or Fun Film
Merry Christmas Gift Cards (both kids):
Flying Spider
Dave and Busters
Swing Around Fun Town
Nothing Fancy Skating Rink
Merry Christmas Greenbay Cap
Merry Christmas Yarn. Not the super soft kind- it tears and shreds too easily. Just regular yarn. Any pretty color.
Merry Christmas Tennis Racket and balls (Sandy may get)
Merry Christmas  
Merry Christmas  
Merry Christmas  

Adam's List
Merry Christmas Gift cards (see above under Sierra)
Merry Christmas Hit balls/golf with grandpa
Merry Christmas Tennis Racket and balls - he really wants this (Sandy may get)
Merry Christmas Bunch O Balloons Walmart is cheaper
Merry Christmas  
Merry Christmas